This is the new graphical sql client for MySQL developed by TCX.
This is still in alpha, but try it anyway! If you want to help us
make it even better, please mail us at!
This latest version (1.7), first of all sorts out all perceived
and reported bugs from the previous version. Then there is improved
table hierarchy which gives full detailed info on table structure,
but now it has also lines underlining hierarchy. Clicking with right
mouse button on a crossing of lines will put a canonised item name
into edit widget. Beside table hierarchy, there is now also show
index, which shows indexes.
Largest improvement in this versions is administrative module. It
comprises several functions. On the connection to the server,
MySQLGUI client activates Administrative module, only if user has
root rights !! Also, each function is enabled / disables based on
the server version. Server version determines look of some of
Administrative panel has been added as there are plenty of
functions in Administrative Module, they are all located in this
panel as icons, so that they will be easily and fast available. Next
this panel has an info similar to info of main window, if this panel
is open, then all messages go to this info and not to main info !!
Please note that there is a new update_timeout in options, which is
used only in Administration. This panel has a few very important
fields from status, which will update at given frequency.
There is show status window which displays entire status (unlike
panel). Number of fields depend on server version. Do notice
animated icons.
There is show processlist, in which titles of each column can be
used for sorting. Unlike sorting of query output window, where first
click sorts ascending, second descending and third unsorts, while
shift+click adds new keys in index, in the processlist there is only
one column indexing !!! And there is a menu on the right button in
processes !!! This menu enables killing of threads.
Do notice automatic updating of status and processes, with manual
override. Changing update_timout value in options dialog changes
time period between updates of Panel, Status and ProcessList.
Beside that, there is database create and drop, all flushings and
refreshings available.
Grant dialog enables controlled and easier granting / revoking on
all levels except columns. Set password enables easy and secure
password setting.
There is new hierarchical menu on middle mouse button in edit
widget, which provides ALL functionality of MySQL.
Every dialog, except choosing tables for menu and for making
queries, can be run as many times as you wish !
You can run Administrator panel as many times as you wish. Watch
what happens with alerts and messages when N Administrative Panels
are on, and when none is ON.
of MySQLGUI 1.7 (gzip) Statically
Compiled MySQLGUI 1.7.1 RPM Linux
static binary of MySQLGUI 1.7.1 (gzip) Linux
semi static binary of MySQLGUI 1.7 (gzip) OpenBSD
2.6 static binary of MySQLGUI 1.4 (bzip2) OpenBSD
2.6 semi static binary of MySQLGUI 1.4 (bzip2) FreeBSD
3 static binary of MySQLGUI 1.6 (gzip) Sun
Solaris 2.7 Sparc static binary of MySQLGUI 1.6 (gzip) Windows/
version of 1.7
To compile the client you will also need
Please note that these are special versions needed to be
downloaded from our site:
Please see this first: